Your details:*
Your role title
What is the location or catchment area of your organisation or community group?* 
I'm interested in...*

Any additional detail you would like to add to this? 
What topic would you like covered in the training or education session?*

If you selected other, what topic are you interested in?
Additional information 
This section is optional.
Do you have a date in mind for this event? 
Do you prefer an in-person or online event? 

If you are hoping for a face-to-face event, is there a location you have in mind? 
If you are hoping for an online event, do you have a preferred platform? 

Do you know how many people you expect to attend? 
Who would you be expecting to have in the audience? 

What are you hoping to get out of the training? 
Do you require an interpreter for this event? 
Do you have any other accessibility requirements for this event? 
Would you like to hear from us about upcoming training + education sessions? 
How did you hear about us?
Is there anything else we should know? 

Justice Support Centre